Momentum Journey of Growth

Intro Image

While every Jewish mother’s journey is unique, The Momentum Journey of Growth is a guide to help reach each woman’s personal and communal potential in influencing the Jewish journey of her children, her family, and her community.


The Momentum Journey of Growth starts with The Momentum Israel trip, a profound seven-day immersive experience to the heart of Israel. This once-in-a-lifetime journey opens the soul to the spirit of unity that defines the Jewish homeland. Along with Momentum sisters from around the world and Israeli women and mothers, this special educational journey leads participants not only through Israel but also to a more meaningful Jewish identity. The Momentum Journey is the inspiration to connect to Jewish values, engage more deeply with Israel, and gain the confidence to take action by standing up and speaking out.

how to apply


Before applying, please note:

The Momentum Journey of Growth is for Jewish mothers
with children under the age of 18


To participate in the Momentum Journey of Growth and Israel Trip, we recommend you live near and apply with a Momentum Partner Organization.*
If you do not live near or are not affiliated with a Momentum Partner Organization and would like to participate in the Momentum Israel Trip, please apply here.


A vital element of the Momentum Journey of Growth is building Jewish community with other participants from your city – in person, before and after the Israel Trip.

Our Momentum Partner Organizations make this transformative experience possible. If you live near a Momentum Partner Organization, we strongly recommend applying with them.


Find a Momentum Partner Organization in your area.


This is a heavily subsidized trip.

Each participant on our women’s trip receives a scholarship – 25% provided by your Partner Organization, and Momentum raises the remaining 75% with Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism and the Momentum Scholarship, funded through donations and contributions

The Journey of Growth is valued at $3950.


It does not include airfare, a $360 acceptance fee, or a $500 refundable deposit.

“Since I've returned home from my MOMentum Trip, we’ve lived our lives a bit differently; we attend Jewish classes and we have expanded our relationships within the Jewish community. This December, we hope to travel to Israel with our three kids.” Michelle Z.
Toronto, Canada
“Momentum helped me forge powerful connections with Israeli women and become part of a strong community. Momentum showed me that I have a responsibility to make a difference for the people around me, my neighborhood, my city, and the Jewish people. I always valued Jewish traditions, but I realized that Jewish wisdom could guide me in every area of my life.” Ethel Y.
"MOMentum allowed me to gain clarity in my life. It also gave me the opportunity to fall in love with Israel in a new way. Learning more about Israel and exploring the country’s spiritual sites connected me more deeply to the Jewish homeland. I returned home feeling revitalized and excited to share my love of Israel with my community." Raquel B.
Madrid, Spain
"Growing up, only my grandparents had Jewish names. My family had lost touch with its Jewish roots. Because of Soviet times, we were disconnected from each other, from religion, and from having pride in our Jewish identity. During my MOMentum experience, I chose the Hebrew name, Ora, which means light. I want to bring light to my family, my community, my friends, and my business partners. I don’t yet know exactly who I am. But I do know that I want to reconnect and empower my Jewish and feminine self.” Rita A.
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Safety and Security

The safety and well-being of our Momentum participants and staff is paramount to us.

We adhere strictly to the safety and security standards, guided by the protocols established by the IDF’s Homefront Command (Pikud HaOref). With a history of safely facilitating meaningful experiences, Momentum has brought over 23,000 participants to Israel since 2009.

Read more about Safety and Security on Momentum Trips here.

What does the trip cost?

For our participants, this is a heavily subsidized trip. Each participant on our women’s trip receives a scholarship –
25% provided by your Partner Organization, and Momentum raises the remaining 75% with Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism and the Momentum Scholarship, funded through donations and contributions 

The participant pays her airfare,  a $360-nonrefundable registration fee, and a $500 refundable deposit. 

Can I come on a different date with a different city?

The short answer is “No.” A vital part of the Momentum experience is creating community at home, with participants in your city, and each Partner Organization invests in each of its participants to make this happen. Through December 2024, you can apply as an individual as a mission participant for a fee plus airfare.

What if I have already been to Israel?

We give priority to applicants who have never been to Israel, or who visited before they turned 18, but many of our participants have visited Israel in the past. Apply and speak to your Community Leader for more details.


Choose your Journey

For Jewish mothers with children age 18 and under

Participants only pay their acceptance fee and airfare

To participate in the Momentum Yearlong Journey, women must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


Mainly for the husbands of Momentum sisters

$900 for Momentum husbands

Each man get a scholarship of $2,100-$2,400

Partner Organization contributes $700 per man

The Israeli Government does not contribute to the Men’s Trips

To participate, men must live in close proximity to a Partner Organization. See our partners list here. Please notify your Community Leader with any updates to your application


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